What is that smell??

What is that smell??

Poop is not supposed to smell good.  Feces, BM, Shit, Stool and Poop is all waste.  It is made up of non digested food waste, digested food waste, blood cells and bacteria.  So, what is that smell??


Stool forms in the large intestine, otherwise known as the colon.  “Good” bacteria lives in your large intestine that helps break down food and that is stool.  It passes through the rectum and it’s the bacterial that causes the smell. Simplified.

But – Oh My Gawd.  Why does it smell so bad and so many different types of bad!!


Walking down the hall of a Nursing Home can challenge the toughest of nostrils some days.  

The soft poopy smell – Didders fart? Such a sweet lady.

The more aggressive dirt smell – That’s Old Man again.  Did he eat the cheese plate again?

The Tangy poop smell – Oh no.  She’s on that paleo diet again.

The Sickeningly Sweet poop – Damn! Jane has C. Diff again.  Gown up!!

The Tinny smell – Call the nurse.  Bob’s hemi’s are bleeding.

Health Issues

Your poop can indicate serious health issues from parasites, IBF, C. Diff, GI bleeds to pancreatitis amongst a few.  Eating contaminated food that results in explosive diarrhea has its own smell.  Asparagus makes your pee stink.  It makes your poop stink too.

Shift Change Canada

Smelly Challenge

So, in a Nursing Home, you can run the gambit from normal stinky poop to Eyewatering Shit smell.  Nursing staff, especially PSW’s – I SAID PSW’s – do not get paid enough to inflict the many odours that their many residents produce, handily trapped in diapers, pullups or seeping out of their pants.  But they return day in and day out to meet the nasally abusive challenge.


Sometimes it’s ok (its’s never ok) but sometimes  …  How can there be so many types of bad poopy smells?

2 thoughts on “What is that smell??

  1. What an article! I really appreciate the fun found entwined into such foul odours and activities when it comes to working in healthcare.  There is always an interesting but piece of useful information for every obscure and repetitive odour noticed. It really in incredible how much you can find out or identify from something as simple as a foul smell when well educated!

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